RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE a.d. Novi Sad offers e-banking services to all interested citizens who want to make financial transactions without going to the bank.
homEbank is a special Bank service which enables you to manage your money on your account by means of a computer, following certain procedures. You can get information about your account balance via e-mail, SMS or the answering machine. There are two services:
In three steps:
At any of 74 organisational units of RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE a.d. Novi Sad.
Security and protection
Using e-banking services enables maximal security of your data and prevention from unauthorized access. We use the latest encryption technology for protection.
Terms for users of homEbank service
A current account opened with RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE a.d. Novi Sad
homEbank service is additionally charged within the tariff for managing a current account in accordance with the Bank current tariffs. The fee for electronic account balance is charged when the order is realised, according to the applicable tariffbookof the Bank.
Useful information: