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Long-term Loans for Financing Natural Persons, Owners of Registered Family Farms for Purchasing Land for the Purpose of Enlarging Agricultural Properties with Currency Clause
User | Natural person – holder of a registered family farm | |
Purpose | Purchase of a farm land | |
Basis / Terms | Cash account opened at the Bank, registered at the Administration for Agricultural Payments, settled tax liabilities, creditworthiness, with no outstanding arrearsbased on loans, active registered farm land, less than 50ha of farm lands in possession and other conditions in accordance with the Notification. | |
Loan Amount | up to 15,000,000 RSD | |
Loan Granting | Based on a certified premade bill of sale of farm land | |
Calculation Currency | EUR | |
Indexation Criteria / Loan Revaluation | The Bank grants loans to its clients in RSD with or without indexation/revaluation, depending on the type of loan. When granting or paying up loan indexed in foreign currency, the Bank applies the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of disbursing the loan, i.e, on the day of maturity of annuity. | |
Amount of Annual Nominal Interest Rate | 7,95% | |
Amount of Annual Effective Interest Rate | 8,10% | |
Type of Nominal Interest Rate | Fixed | |
Loan Repayment Deadline | Up to 7 years from the day of receiving the first maturity of annuity | |
Loan Repayment | Loan repayment is done in equal half year annuities. The first one is to be paid on 15/12/2011. Every other one is to be paid on every 15/06 and 15/12 of the year. Annuity repayment (principal and interest rate) is done in dinar countervalue of the indexed amount in EUR by paying in dinar countervalue according to the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia valid on the day of maturity of annuity. | |
Collaterals |
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Fee for Processing Loan Application | 0,50% | |
Three Bills of Exchange | 150,00 RSD | |
Credit Bureau Statement for the Borrower | 205,00 RSD | |
Early Loan Repayment | No charge | |
Other Terms | In cases of non-cash use, the loan can be declared mature in accordance with the contract. |