Registration of Foreign Credit Transactions with the National Bank of Serbia

In accordance with the Decision of the National Bank of Serbia on the manner, terms and forms for registration of credit transactions with foreign countries, businesses and entrepreneurs are obliged to all business transactions that are considered credit business to register with the National Bank of Serbia, through its commercial bank.

Under the credit transactions with foreign countries are considered loans between residents and nonresidents concluded in foreign currency, as follows:

  • Commercial loan - a loan granted by the foreign seller to the buyer through the delivery of the goods and services on credit
  • Commodity loan – a loan that foreign bank or other financial organizations as lender grants to residents to pay for foreign goods and services, where the purpose of loan funds using is determined by the contract
  • Finance loan - a loan where the lender puts at the disposal to the debtor an foreign currency payment to his account with an authorized bank, where the purpose of loan funds using may not be determined by the contract.