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RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE has made a successful presentation at the “Investekspo” Fair which integrates the 6th international investment fair and Power Supply Days. At the opening of the event, the president of the Government of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić, PhD, mentioned that 45% of the total number of investments in Serbia, 45% was realised in Vojvodina “because municipalities and funds made it possible for the foreign companies to have a stable business”.
“Economy recovery is possible if we receive a significant amount of foreign investments. Over the past four years, the Government of the Province has invested around 400 million euros into the infrastructure on the territory of the Province which is a key factor of attracting investments, not one-off funds given per job position, but precisely infrastructure. Therefore, it is no surprise that out of the total of foreign investments received, around 45% are on the territory of Vojvodina. We had the opportunity to see what the development funds offer on the territory of our Province, primarily the Development Fund of Vojvodina, together with the participation of the Guarantee Fund, which invested around 250 million euros over the past years through RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE into our economy and agriculture,” said president Pajtić at the booth of RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE after the opening of the 6th international investment fair.
In 2011 RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE realised several programs, out of which facility lines for financing building, adaptation and equipping warehouses, financing development projects and financing export and working assets are the most important ones. Individual agriculture manufacturers are offered facility lines for buying farm lands and agricultural machinery in co-operation with the Province funds.
Considering the interest shown for this kind of concept of loan products, it is realistic to expect that in the period to come RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE is going to continue to direct its business into offering support to the development projects, especially in the field of agriculture, both the primary agricultural manufacturers and all the other participants in the agro line, by adjusting its line of products to the current needs and demands of the economy. RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE is expected to offer a strong incentive in the future for the development of the agrarian interests and rural infrastructure, as one of the strategically most important fields for the national economy of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, while at the same time maintaining market orientation which guarantees promptness, immediacy and efficiency in offering services to our clients.
Also, the Program for giving Incentive to the Economical Development meant for the units of local self-government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, through loan support for financing capital investment expenditures. Therefore we can announce that one of the significant activities in 2012 is going to be to establish co-operation with the municipalities and cities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The loans are going to be granted based on public offer which is issued in accordance with legal regulations by the unit of local self-government. According to the data of the Business Registers Agency, there are 3,600 companies with the participation of foreign capital in the structure. There are 230 production plants among them where 6.3 bln euros were invested and where 62,000 people are employed.
In addition, 43 municipalities and cities in Serbia presented to the potential foreign investors 147 project at the Fair worth more than billion euros. The dominant features in the project structure is building or restructuring of infrastructure, industrial zones, business and civil facilities, projects connected with power supply efficiency, protection of the environment and building sport facilities, promotion of spa and city tourism, working zones and commercial technological parks. Ten cities from the republics of Croatia, Romania, the Republic of Srpska and Slovakia, as well as the French National Institute, participated and the Fair.
U 2011. godini, RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE realizuje nekoliko programa, od kojih su najznačajnije kreditne linije za finansiranje izgradnje, adaptacije i opremanja skladišnih kapaciteta, finansiranje razvojnih projekata i finansiranje izvoza i obrtnih sredstava. Individualnim poljoprivrednim proizvođačima dostupne su kreditne linije za kupovinu poljoprivrednog zemljišta i poljoprivredne mehanizacije u saradnji sa pokrajinskim fondovima.
S obzirom na pokazano interesovanje klijenata za ovako koncipirane kreditne proizvode, realno je očekivati da će i u narednom periodu, RAZVOJNA BANKA VOJVODINE nastaviti da akcenat svog poslovanja stavlja na pružanje podrške razvojnim projektima, naročito u segmentu poljoprivrede, kako primarnim poljoprivrednim proizvođačima, tako i svim ostalim učesnicima u agro lancu, prilagođavajući svoju ponudu aktuelnim potrebama i zahtevima privrede. Od RAZVOJNE BANKE VOJVODINE može se očekivati i ubuduće snažan podsticaj razvoju agrara i ruralne infrastrukture, kao jedne od strateški najznačajnijih oblasti za nacionalnu ekonomiju i AP Vojvodinu, uz zadržavanje tržišno orijentisanog opredeljenja, koje garantuje brzinu, neposrednost i efikasnost u pružanju usluga svim našim klijentima.
Takođe, u pripremi je Program podsticaja ekonomskom razvoju namenjen jedinicama lokalne samouprave AP Vojvodine, kroz kreditnu podršku za finansiranje kapitalnih investicionih rashoda. Stoga možemo najaviti da će jedna od značajnih aktivnosti u 2012. godini biti uspostavljanje saradnje sa opštinama i gradovima AP Vojvodine. Krediti će biti odobravani na osnovu javnog tendera koji u skladu sa zakonskim propisima raspisuje jedinica lokalne samouprave. Prema podacima Agencije za privredne registre, u Vojvodini ima oko 3.600 preduzeća sa učešćem stranog kapitala u njihovoj strukturi. Među njima je i 230 proizvodnih pogona, u kojima je do sada investirano oko 6,3 milijardi evra i zaposleno oko 62.000 ljudi.
Inače, 43 opštine i gradova u Srbiji, potencijalnim stranim investitorima su na Sajmu predstavili 147 projekata, vrednih više od milijardu evra. U strukturi projekata dominiraju izgradnja ili obnova infrastrukture, industrijskih zona, poslovnostambeni objekti, projekti vezani za energetsku efikasnost, zaštitu životne sredine i izgradnju sportskorekreativnih centara, unapredjenje banjskog i gradskog turizma, radne zone i privrednotehnološki parkovi. A na Sajmu je učestovalo i 10 gradova i opština iz Hrvatske, Rumunije, Republike Srpske i Slovačke, kao i Francuski nacionalni institut.